Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Why do a blog on my life/childhood. Recently I discovered that my sister has started a Blog, not a big deal right. Wish that were true. While reading it I had a strong desire to write down my own memories because of the way she has twisted her experiences and taken some of my experiences and tried to make them her own. Not only that but her memory has taken several different things and combined them into one experience. I, for myself and for my mother have to make a written record of my side of things.
As in all things when in comes to experiences, opinions and memories there are always more then one side to a story. By knowing or reading the different sides then there is a chance to put a closer picture of the truth together.
My memories will be incomplete I am sure but the damage my sister is trying to do and the heartache that she is causing not only our mother but me as well needs to be countered somehow. As I have told several of my friends, I am not worried about what they think because if they are true friends they will know themselves if these allegation's are true or not. It is the cry my sister has made to the public to harass my mom and my sister's encouragement to others out there to publish and send her blog to multimedia that offends me. Some of what I will tell you are based on stories that my mom told me while growing up so they are her memories. Also as the oldest of my mom's 2 children I have a longer memory and was present for the majority of my sister's "allegation's". Hopefully I will be able to shed some better light on things that happened and not the twisted memories of my sister.

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